Tag-Archive for Maryland Life Insurance

Why Business Owners Need Life Insurance Protection

Life insurance is a peace-of-mind policy that individuals and business owners should possess. The investment in a life insurance policy is a business expense that entrepreneurs should consider a necessity rather than a luxury. There are many reasons to invest in a life insurance policy for the business and several ways the business can fund…

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September is National Life Insurance Awareness Month

September is not only the beginning of fall and the kickoff for football season; it is also National Life Insurance Awareness Month. Why do we need an entire month focused on raising awareness about an insurance product that is not even required? Because many people who should have life insurance are not aware of how…

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How Life Insurance Can Fill In the Gaps Left By Life Events

Life never seems to go as smoothly as planned. When we are young, many of us make plans to go to college, end up in a “dream” career, get married, buy a home, have children, raise a family, send the kids off to college and retire comfortably. Along the way, an unexpected death of a…

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Give the Gift of Life Insurance

Christmas will be here soon and chances are you are still struggling to find that perfect gift for the person on your list that is hard to buy for. This year, consider thinking a little bit outside the box and giving a gift most people need without even realizing it; life insurance. Anyone that is…

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Assessing Your Family’s Insurance Needs for 2014

The holiday season is upon us and the New Year is fast approaching. Before getting too deep into the frantic pace of the season, it is good to step back and take a look at your insurance coverage to make sure everything is up to date going into 2014. Auto Insurance: If you have added…

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Life Insurance Awareness Month: The Importance of Life Insurance for Business Owners and Society

Industry reports indicate that upwards of 40% of all American adults have no life insurance whatsoever and that the average death benefit of those who do have life insurance would only cover three years of their own income. This of course is not sufficient for most people. That is why over a hundred major insurers,…

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How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

In today’s economy, many families are struggling to get by. For this reason, they often choose to go without life insurance. This is a major mistake because if something should happen to the breadwinner of the house, it may takes years to dig out from under the financial hole it could potentially leave behind. If…

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