
Insurance Is Something to Be Thankful For

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it is a time for Americans to reflect on the blessings and opportunities we have and to be thankful for these things while living in this great country. For most of us, family, good health, and our jobs are towards the top of the list. Rarely do we ever think to be thankful of insurance. However, consider what happens in areas of the world where insurance is not commonplace.

Recently, one of the worst typhoons on record devastated vast regions of the Philippines. Over 25,000 are feared dead at last count and nearly a million have been displaced from their homes. Most of the news coverage has focused on the devastation and the relief efforts of those bringing in food, water, and other supplies to help those in need and rightfully so.

One thing that is seldom mentioned in the news stories is that the vast majority of Filipinos have no homeowner insurance and even fewer have life insurance. This means that for those who have lost loved ones and had their homes destroyed, there is no financial relief forthcoming. They will need to rebuild their homes on their own and if they lost a family breadwinner in the storm, they will need to pay for the burial on their own and there is no way to compensate for his/her lost income.

As Americans, we have so many blessings that we tend to take for granted and access to insurance is one of them. When a major storm hits somewhere in America, insurance adjusters are typically on the scene within hours approving claims and helping expedite home repairs so you can get back to normal life as soon as possible.

When you are involved in an auto accident, the same kind of expedited service usually kicks in. For those who choose to take advantage of the lowest life insurance rates in history (another reason to be thankful), they have the security of knowing that should the worst happen, they would at least have the financial means to cope with their loss.

These are just some of the many reasons to be thankful for our various insurance policies and the way they provide coverage for life events. Perhaps the best reason to be thankful this holiday season is not having to file any insurance claims, but knowing they are there in case you need them.